Compared to other major cities in the U.S. and abroad, our current transit system is drastically underfunded and in need of significant infrastructure improvements and expansion to function on a truly world-class level.
Building a world-class transit system requires a steady, long-term investment that is highly unlikely without transit riders and supporters rallying behind the cause.
With more than $20 billion in potential projects that could expand and improve our system, we recognize the time is now to invest in our region’s future.
- 2005: After years of effort, Chicagoland Bicycle Federation (CBF) helps convince Metra to expand the options for bicycles on trains from one train per week to its current daily off-peak accommodation.
- 2008: CBF officially expands its mission to include transit and pedestrian advocacy, changes its name to Active Transportation Alliance.
- 2011: Active Trans launches a campaign to organize transit riders in support of improved service and service expansion.
- 2014: Active Trans partners with the Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT) to launch Transit Future, a campaign for a dedicated revenue stream to improve and expand public transit in Cook County. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle attend launch event and speak in favor of increased transit investment.
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We need world-class transit that connects people with jobs, services and businesses.
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